Do you have questions about periodontics, gum disease or implant dentistry? We can help! Read our FAQ page to find answer to your questions and learn more about  the solutions Dr. Anthony Salem and their associates offer. We also encourage you to call Summit Dentistry at 330-668-1165 if you have additional questions or to schedule an appointment with our dentists in Fairlawn, Ohio.

General Information

What is periodontics?

Periodontics is a dental specialty focused on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases affecting the gums and supporting structures of teeth and implants.

How often should I visit a periodontist?

Regular visits to a periodontist are recommended when suspected of periodontal disease.

Can periodontal disease affect overall health?

Yes, periodontal disease has been linked to systemic health issues and increased risk of disease.

Dental Implants

Implants in General

What are dental implants and how do they work?

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots, typically made of titanium, that are surgically placed into the jawbone to replace missing teeth. They serve as a base for artificial teeth (crowns).

Who is a candidate for dental implants?

Ideal candidates have good oral and overall health, sufficient jawbone to support the implant, and do not suffer from conditions that impair bone healing.

How long does a dental implant procedure take?

The procedure duration varies, but placing a single implant may take about 1 hour. The healing and osseointegration (binding to bone) process can take 3-6 months.

What is the success rate of dental implants?

Dental implants have a high success rate, typically above 95%, especially when performed by an experienced periodontist and properly maintained.

How do I care for my dental implants?

Care for dental implants like natural teeth: brush twice a day, floss daily, and attend regular dental check-ups and cleanings.

What are the risks associated with dental implants?

Risks include infection at the implant site, injury to surrounding structures, nerve damage, and possible implant failure, although these are rare.

How long do dental implants last?

With proper care and maintenance, dental implants can last a lifetime.

Is the dental implant procedure painful?

Discomfort is minimal, especially with local anesthesia. Post-procedure, over-the-counter pain medication can manage any discomfort.

Can dental implants be used for multiple missing teeth?

Yes, implants can replace single or multiple missing teeth and are a foundation for dental bridges or dentures.

What’s the difference between a dental implant and a bridge?

A dental implant replaces a single tooth without affecting neighboring teeth, while a bridge involves anchoring to adjacent teeth.


Ridge Augmentation

Why is ridge augmentation necessary before implants?

Ridge augmentation rebuilds the jawbone’s natural contour, providing a stable foundation for dental implants in cases of bone loss.

What can I expect after ridge augmentation surgery?

Post-surgery, patients may experience swelling and discomfort, with follow-up visits scheduled to monitor healing.

How long does healing take after ridge augmentation?

Healing time varies but typically takes several months before dental implants can be placed.

Is ridge augmentation painful?

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia to minimize discomfort. Post-operative pain is typically manageable with medication.

How does ridge augmentation affect the overall success of implants?

By restoring the natural jawline contour and ensuring sufficient bone density, ridge augmentation significantly increases the success rate and longevity of dental implants.


Sinus Lifts

What is a sinus lift and why is it necessary?

A sinus lift is a surgery that adds bone to the upper jaw in the molar and premolar area. It’s necessary when the sinus wall is too thin to support an implant.

How long is the recovery period after a sinus lift?

Recovery can take several days to a few weeks. Complete healing of the bone, necessary for implant placement, can take several months.

What are the risks associated with a sinus lift?

Risks include sinus membrane perforation, infection, and bleeding, but these complications are rare with experienced practitioners.


Implant Dentures (Removable)

How do removable implant dentures work?

Removable implant dentures snap onto dental implants, providing better stability and comfort compared to traditional dentures.

What is the maintenance routine for removable implant dentures?

They require daily cleaning, proper handling during insertion and removal, and regular check-ups for adjustments and maintenance.

How do I care for my gums with removable implant dentures?

Brushing on the implant surfaces slightly to avoid any accumulations.

Can I sleep with my removable implant dentures?

Removable implant dentures are removed at night to give your gums a rest and maintain good oral hygiene.

What is the lifespan of removable implant dentures?

With proper care, they can last many years, but the denture itself may need replacement or relining over time.

What should I do if my removable implant dentures feel loose?

Consult your dentist for adjustments or relining to ensure a proper fit and prevent discomfort.

How often should removable implant dentures be replaced?

Typically, they may need replacement or significant maintenance every 5 to 7 years, depending on wear and tear.

Can I eat normally with removable implant dentures?

Yes, they allow for more natural eating compared to traditional dentures, but it’s advisable to avoid extremely hard or sticky foods.

How do I handle my removable implant dentures at night?

It’s recommended to remove and clean them, then store them in a safe place, ideally in a denture cleaning solution or water.

Can removable implant dentures slip or make noise?

Because they are anchored to implants, they are much less likely to slip or make noise compared to traditional dentures.

Are there any restrictions on activities with removable implant dentures?

No significant restrictions, but it’s advisable to be cautious with activities that might impact the face or jaw.


Implant Fixed Dentures (Non-Removable)

What are implant fixed dentures?

Implant fixed dentures are permanently attached to dental implants, providing a stable and permanent solution for missing teeth.

How do implant fixed dentures differ from removable ones?

Unlike removable dentures, fixed dentures are permanently attached to the implants and are not removed for cleaning or sleeping.

What are the benefits of implant fixed dentures?

Benefits include improved comfort, better chewing efficiency, and a natural appearance, without the need for adhesives or special cleaning routines.

How are implant fixed dentures cleaned?

Clean them as you would natural teeth: brush twice daily, floss, and attend regular dental check-ups.

What is the procedure for getting implant fixed dentures?

It involves multiple steps, including implant placement, healing, and attachment of the fixed denture.

Can implant fixed dentures be removed if needed?

They are designed to be permanent, but can be removed by a dentist if necessary for maintenance or adjustments.

What follow-up care is required for implant fixed dentures?

Regular dental check-ups, professional cleanings, and X-rays are important to monitor the health of the implants and surrounding tissues.

Are implant fixed dentures noticeable?

They are designed to look and feel like natural teeth and are typically not noticeable.

How do implant fixed dentures impact speech?

They usually improve speech compared to removable dentures, as they don’t slip or move in the mouth.

How do I know if implant fixed dentures are right for me?

A comprehensive dental exam and consultation with your periodontist can determine if you are a good candidate for this treatment.

What happens if an implant fixed denture becomes damaged?

If damaged, contact your dentist immediately. Repairs or replacements can usually be made without removing the implant.

How do implant fixed dentures affect jawbone health?

Like natural tooth roots, they stimulate the jawbone, helping to maintain its health and prevent bone loss.


Laser Treatment

How is laser used in periodontal treatment?

Lasers are used to remove diseased gum tissue, reshape gums, or reduce bacteria during root planing and scaling procedures.

Is laser treatment for gum disease effective?

Laser treatment can be highly effective for certain types of gum disease, offering benefits like reduced discomfort and quicker healing.

What should I expect after a laser gum treatment?

Patients typically experience less discomfort and swelling compared to traditional surgery, with a quicker recovery time.

Is laser treatment suitable for all patients with gum disease?

Suitability varies depending on the specific condition and severity of the disease. A thorough evaluation is necessary.

How long does a laser treatment session take?

Sessions can vary in length, usually lasting between 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the area being treated.

What are the advantages of laser treatment over traditional methods?

Advantages include less bleeding, reduced need for sutures, minimized swelling, and faster healing.

What follow-up care is needed after laser treatment for gum disease?

Regular check-ups, cleanings, and adherence to recommended oral hygiene practices are essential to maintain results.

Can laser treatment cause damage to my teeth or gums?

When performed by a trained professional, the risk of damage is minimal. Lasers are precise and can target specific areas without affecting surrounding tissues.

Is laser treatment more expensive than traditional treatments?

The cost can vary, but it’s often comparable to traditional treatments, and some insurance plans may cover it.

Will I need multiple laser treatments for gum disease?

The number of treatments varies depending on the severity of the condition and how well the gums respond to initial treatment.

Can laser treatment be used for cosmetic gum reshaping?

Yes, lasers are often used for cosmetic procedures, such as reshaping the gum line to improve smile aesthetics.

How quickly can I return to normal activities after laser treatment?

Most patients can resume normal activities the same day or the next day, with minimal downtime.


Gum Grafting

What is gum grafting and why is it done?

Gum grafting involves transplanting tissue to areas with gum recession, protecting tooth roots and improving aesthetics.

What is the expected recovery time after gum grafting?

Initial healing typically occurs within 1-2 weeks, but complete healing can take a few months.

Is gum grafting painful?

Discomfort is usually mild and manageable with over-the-counter pain relievers.

What follow-up is required after gum grafting?

Follow-up visits are usually scheduled at 1 week, 2 weeks, 6 weeks, and 3 months to monitor healing and ensure the success of the graft.

Are there different types of gum grafts?

Yes, there are several types, including connective-tissue grafts, free gingival grafts, and pedicle grafts, each suited for specific conditions.

How successful is gum grafting?

Gum grafting has a high success rate, particularly when patients follow post-operative care instructions and maintain good oral hygiene.

Can gum grafting improve tooth sensitivity?

Yes, by covering exposed roots, gum grafting can reduce sensitivity to hot and cold.

What are the signs that a gum graft is healing properly?

Signs include reduced swelling, no significant bleeding, and gradual integration of the graft with surrounding tissues.

What dietary restrictions should I follow after gum grafting?

Soft, cool foods are recommended initially. Avoid hot, spicy, or hard foods that could irritate the graft site.

How can I reduce swelling after gum grafting?

Applying an ice pack to the face in the graft area and keeping the head elevated can help reduce swelling.

Can a gum graft fail? What are the signs?

Failure is rare but can happen. Signs include persistent pain, bleeding, or the graft not integrating with existing tissue.

Is there an age limit for gum grafting?

There’s no specific age limit, but overall health and gum condition are important factors in determining candidacy.

What materials are used for gum grafts?

Gum grafts can be performed using tissue from the patient’s palate, donated tissue, or synthetic materials.

Will a gum graft change the appearance of my smile?

It can improve the appearance by covering exposed roots and evening out the gum line.

What is the success rate for gum grafting?

Gum grafting has a high success rate, especially when patients follow post-operative instructions and maintain good oral hygiene.

Can gum grafting be repeated if necessary?

Yes, if needed, gum grafting procedures can be repeated to achieve the desired results.